Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Better Late than Never

Better Late than Never

I normally update this blog on Mondays, but I missed my self-imposed deadline yesterday. I had planned to meet my daily goal of one thousand words added to my novel document yesterday, but I didn't write a single one. I had planned to start the outline of a short story (tentatively titled 'Living with Gremlins') but I didn't do that either.
I don't have a sob story about a family emergency (I have no wife or children). I wasn't stricken by any non-specific malaise, either physical or emotional, and I had absolutely no prior engagements. Something did happen yesterday however that indirectly prevented me from doing any sort of work whatsoever.
The weather changed.
Every place has their weather issues. In Phoenix it is the heat, I assume that Duluth has the cold, and here in Tallahassee it is the humidity. Those of you who live in a humid part of the country know what I am talking about, and those of you who dwell in more arid climes can trust me when I say that you want no part of it. Complaints are made that humidity 'makes it feel hotter', but in my short experience the humidity ruins the weather regardless of temperature.
I realize this post is beginning to sound like a whiny rant, but there is a point I would like to make. I strive to accomplish many things every day. Between writing, work, study, and prayer, I try to pack every hour full of minutes and I am often guilty of forgetting why it is that I do these things. I must never forget that art work exist to support life, and not the other way around. Art for the sake of art is meaningless, and work for the joy of having 'bony fingers' is folly. These things that I do must serve the function of glorifying God first, blessing others second and myself as a bonus.
So when the Almighty sees fit to send a dry north wind into Tallahassee to drive away the oppressive moisture for a time, I feel it would be foolish to not enjoy it. I am aware of the Proverb that tells us that 'a little rest, a little folded hands and want comes on us like a thief', and I don't want good weather to become a justification for my laziness. Therefore, this morning (though the weather is nice once again) I am playing catch up with no regrets about spending an afternoon in the cool dry sunshine reading 'The Count of Monte Christo'.


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